Frans Saraste is an architect (M.Arch), doctoral student and educator. His design and research are informed by experience in both restauration and passive design strategies. His doctoral dissertation examines how changing fuel paradigms have affected heating practices.

His essays have appeared in publications such as e-flux, Ajakiri Maja and Finnish Architecture Review, and his architecture insights have been featured in Helsingin Sanomat and The Finnish Broadcasting Company. He has given lectures at institutions such as The Cooper Union, Helsinki University, LAB University of Applied Sciences and Aalto University.

Frans is a member of Suoja ry, an organization dedicated to solving fundamental ecological, public health and economic problems of buildings and the built environment. He is also a research member of Puistokatu 4 A Space for Science and Hope,  and a recent architect fellow at The Cooper Union.

His doctoral dissertation work is funded by Maj & Tor Nessling foundation. Additional funding has been granted by the Nils Erik Wickberg foundation as well as The Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Contact at: frans.saraste(a) / +358400253536

(Photo: Veikko Kähkönen, 2024)